1.What obsessive question does Prospero ask Ariel?
What time it is
2.how many times does Prospero use the word now?
79 times
3.what game are Miranda and Ferdinand playing?
4.what chore do both Ferdinand and Caliban have to do?
Carry wood
5.what are the three things raised to the level of the sacramental?
Seeing, doing, speaking
6.how is Antony like Prospero?
The conquer of the feminine
7.which persona did your instructor not associate with Prospero?
8.what does the name Sycorax represent?
Sow or boar
9.what is curious about all of the scenes with Antony and cleopatra?
They are never alone
10.entrapping someone in fantasy...
11.what is the consuming myth of pericles?
Demeter and persephone
12.why is the handkerchief in othello important?
Cowslip pattern, mole on the breast of imogen
13.the answer is everything. It's all an echo
14.who is the most important female magical figure?
Paulina, the old turtle
15.what does Paulina do to wake hermione?
Plays music
16.what poem does MSU's motto come from?
No worst, there is none – Gerard Manly Hopkins
17.what killed Cleopatra?
An asp
18.who always shows up in Shakespeare's romances?
19.what word is mentioned prolifically in a Winter's Tale?
20.when Antony mentions the Shirt of Nessus, what myth is he referencing?
Hercules and the shirt of flame
21.why does Alonzo believe that he will not die in the shipwreck?
Because Gonzalo knew that the mariner didn't have the “drowning mark” on him
22.what is Shakespeare's most famous stage directions?
Exit, pursued by a bear (winter's tale)
23.what does Imogen change her name to when she is in disguise?
Fidel, meaning faithful
24.Maximallius tells the story of a man in the church yard who represents whom?
25.what three words did Frye say prepares you for the reading of King Lear?
Nothing, nature, fool
26.in the beginning of King Lear, who offends him the most?
Cordelia (my heart)
27.what is Lady Gaga swimming in?
A vat of cottage cheese
28.of you will weep my my fortune, _______________
take mine eyes
29.the longest recognition scene?
Pericles and Imogen
30.what seest thou else in the dark ________ and ________ of time?
Backward; abysm
31.which play has a Scooby-Doo ending?
32.what happens to Guiderius in Cymbeline just before he is revealed as Cymbeline's son?
He is exiled
33.what are the three goddesses revealed at the end of the Winter's Tale in Paulina, Hermione, and Perdita?
The maiden, the mother, and the crone
34.what is the answer to the riddle in Act I in Pericles?