Perhaps I'm not so lazy after all. Perhaps I shall actually do some musing along with this dear little sonnet I've posted. This class has been slightly overwhelming for me. I feel as though the bar has been set astronomically high, and I'm definitely not a pole jumper. The problem has been for me that I usually read when I'm not near my computer, because the internet is a terrible, terrible distraction. But then by the time that I wake up from my nap, the brilliant thoughts that had been tap dancing in my head are far away. I've finished Venus and Adonis. It was a very frustrating poem for me. It was almost as though I could feel Venus' frustration, the unattainable perfection, the one that she would have done anything for resisting her every advance. I had to go and steal a kiss from my otter after I'd finished reading. Even that was only vaguely satisfying. I've always been a very affectionate sort of person; particularly in the physical sense. The denial that I had to experience through Venus left me physically pained as well.
Denial of love is something that I've never understood.
Anyways, I finally wrote out a sonnet. Not the best one ever, by any means, but I felt that it was almost, somewhat close to clever for coming up with bits of it. It doesn't have a title, of course. I hate coming up with names for things.
Some claim that life is found through frozen heart,
Denying all you know; ignoring love,
Some claim that on a quest you must depart,
In search of special fruit from magic grove;
Though many legends tell of this device,
This fount of youth, this holy grail, this seal,
Yet still no man has paid the proper price,
And in the end, all find time life does steal.
Perhaps it is a fountain we must drink,
That brings us to our frail eternity,
Though many men have stumbled at the brink,
Yet none have yet gained immortality.
Our weary souls may seek eternal life,
But all our seeking brings us naught but strife.
Eventually I'll go back, reread A Midsummer Night's Dream, and find the snippets that I wanted to post because they were beautiful, but I've decided to be fundamentally lazy again. Probably in the form of getting something to eat.