I'm just going to take my jumbled, mismatched notes, attempt to arrange them in an (organized?) fashion, and throw them up here so that at least I don't have to worry about it anymore. Until tomorrow, that is. Keep in mind that these are just questions that we were asked and not the answers - they should serve as more of a springboard. We should read the Bible, and read Shakespeare, and read Greek mythology. Plus Ovid and the great age of Classical Greek drama. Secular scripture=everything else. Why Shakespeare? What makes him more significant then anyone else? What structural principles do we find? Cabala, Neo-Platonism, the Hermetic mysteries. What do these things mean? We are to become members of the school of night, to change the world. Myths are our parents and originals and from them spring life as we know it.
Blog about commonplaces - important things, topics of conversation. Next to God, Shakespeare created most. The mythical world is not real to us, it is such things as dreams are made of. But do we ever stop to think that we might be mythical beings to them? There are mythic and realistic levels of life. We do not read the way we used to. Oberon and Titania are high-class. And then there are the common people; they never labored in their minds, even one day. Shakespeare is one of the most widespread religions in the world. Salieri looks like garbage compared to Mozart. The difference with Shakespeare is that he offers real people, not those on the mythological plane. We should be people capable of imagination. It's time to write another Shakespearian sonnet - use iambic pentameter! We should be nobody, because in being nobody, you are everybody.
Women cannot commit seppuku, they must instead hurl themselves off of cliffs. We should begin to make comparisons. Pity like a naked new-born babe striding this blast. What is going on in this class? What is consuming us? Shakespeare knew about Hermeticism and Metempsychosis, so why don't we? We can't say what Shakespeare said because he didn't say anything! His characters speak through him, for he is all of them and none of them at the same time. Is Shakespeare actually Sir Francis Bacon? We should be horrified by how little time we have. February 3rd is time to do a presentation - why act 5? We can do commentary, and we can do drama, but we have 10 minutes, so every second must count. The tempest is an excellent example of a masque. Barnes and Nobles does not have Ted Hughes. Neither can they order any more. You can't mess with a goddess without getting hurt. Whatever you do, do it quickly! Venis is not a sexual predator. She is offering something - all that the world could offer. And as we all well know, it is always, always the man's fault.